M-STEM Module



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STEM Approach

Wait. What is STEM Approach?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It helps children to learn basic principles of science and math through hands-on activities. It creates an environment where children can explore and ask questions. STEM activities focus on problem solving, discovery, and critical thinking skills. Kids learn best when they are active and engaged in what they are doing. STEM activities are a great way to spark curiosity, provide excitement, and encourage kids to explore the world around them. In this way, kids can improve their critical and creative thinking skills.

ARCS Model

Wait. What is ARCS Model?

The ARCS model (Keller 1983) is a motivational design process that includes a synthesis of motivational concepts and theories that are clustered into four categories: attention (A), relevance (R), confidence (C), and satisfaction (S). Each of these major categories contains subcategories that consist of smaller, more homogeneous subsets of concepts.

General Question

What's the objective of the module?

By utilising the module, the teacher should be able to apply the following elements in their teaching and learning process.

i. STEM Approach
To combine Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to create an interdisciplinary approach that stimulates pupils' minds to think critically and be better problem solvers.

ii. Learning Motivation - ARCS
• Attention: Capturing the interest of pupils; stimulating the curiosity to learn.
• Relevance: Meeting the personal needs or goals of the pupils to effect a positive attitude.
• Confidence: Helping the pupils believe or feel that they will succeed and control their success.
• Satisfaction: Reinforce accomplishment with rewards.